Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pro System

Reading is a conversation
P Preview, prepare/ what is your purpose?, predict
R Read Actively, Repeat, Revise your thinking
O Organize your information so that it is useful to you in achieving your purpose for reading.

Preview, prepare/ what is your purpose?, predict
§  Who am I talking with? (Author/Title)
§  What do I know about the author?
§  What is the Big Idea in this text?
§  What do I already know about it?
§  Why is this idea relevant to me? To now?
§  What visual elements help me access this text?
§  What is the purpose of this text?

Read Actively, Repeat, Revise your thinking
§  Code the text
§  Make marginal notes
§  Notice how the text is organized
§  List the topics of each paragraph
§  Note difficult vocabulary words but move on
§  Read again and revise your impressions of what this text is all about

§  Make webs
§  Create outlines
§  Design a chart
§  Connect ideas
§  Write a summary

IRW: investment reading worksheet
§  Citation Information
§  The Boundaries of the text
§  Credentials of the author
§  Current Relevance of the Text
§  Big Idea/Topic
§  Visual Aids
§  Schema matches
§  Unfamiliar words
§  Codes (key words or concepts)
§  Ideas to respond to
§  The structure of the text

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