Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Investment reading worksheet (IRW)

Investment Reading Worksheet #_____                Name:

1.    Citation information:  author, title, publication date

2.    Determine the boundaries of the text

                           Current relevance
                           Content (topic)

3.    Use the “airplane technique and note the visual aids in this text.

4.    In what ways does this article match your schema?

5.    Note words that are unfamiliar or unusual. List here:

6.    Using coding, what are key words or concepts?

7.    Read and note paragraph topics

8.    Read again and make marginal notes in the article.

9.    Map out text on the back.

10.What is the MAIN IDEA of this reading? What evidence supports your conclusion? State your main idea as “The Main Idea of this text is that……”

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