Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Writing a Summary Review

Summary writing rubric

Summary Writing Rubric

In this assessment you are asked to write a summary of an article using correct form and organization.  Your summary will be graded by the following rubric:

Your summary will
Supply relevant citation information.
1 element
Absent or incorrect
State the topic and central argument of the text

Topic and CA stated correctly

1 element
 Incorrectly stated or missing

No evidence of reading
Capture all main ideas within the reading.

All present and correctly captured

Some elements missing

Many main ideas missing

No evidence of reading
Differentiate between major and minor supporting details

No minor details used

Some minor details cited

Many minor details included

Incorrect use of text

Paraphrase the text efficiently

Puts ideas into own words

Loses gist of material

Includes opinion or evaluation

More a response than a summary
Concludes with a paraphrase of the author’s conclusion.

Captures the author’s point

Mis-states the point

Missing conclusion

No evidence of reading

Reading to summarize: __________________________________________________________________
Write the summary using________________________________________________________________
Time:  40 minutes

Write Respond Analyze Paper (WRAP)

Monday, January 23, 2012


1) Talked about It's time to grow up later.
2) Read and discussed The late paper and who is the most responsible for Kim getting an "F" in the class.
3) Jigsaw: choose an article that you want to become an expert in. Start in groups and then you move out and build the bigger picture.  (you will become an expert in all of the articles eventually)


Guess what? There is no homework due Wednesday!!! Lets give a big thanks to Ms. Arca. :D

Synthesis chart for reading

Friday, January 20, 2012

Homework due monday

Pease read it is time to grow up later by Sharon Jayson and complete an IRW and and RRP and turn them in on Monday.